Just Kidding Village

Big Tarzan T66 OBSESSION

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CD & T Vaccination


& Cautions In Use of CDT Vaccine

CDT vaccines are commonly accepted as being necessary annually to keep goats healthy.

Clostridia bacteria are found in the soil, and the clostridial diseases can cause sudden death. CDT vaccines protect goats from these diseases.

Two vaccines are commonly used for goats, a 3-way vaccine called CDT and an 8-way vaccine called Covexine-8. The 3-way vaccine protects goats from clostridium perfringins type C and D (overeating disease) and clostridium tetani (tetanus). The 8-way vaccine protects goats against additional forms of clostridium, but the 3-way vaccine is usually sufficient for dairy goats in the US.

The tetanus toxoid in the 3-way vaccine provides long-term protection from tetanus (deadly if untreated) which is caused when a wound becomes infected with tetanus bacteria, such as at disbudding or castration.

Enterotoxaemia is a condition where the clostridium bacteria normally present in a goat’s intestinal tract grow uncontrollably. This occurs when the movement of food through the intestines slows because of overeating of grain, spring pasture, milk or milk replacer. It often occurs after goats eat too much spring growth, and is therefore commonly referred to as “overeating” disease (also deadly if untreated).

Does, bucks and wethers should receive CDT shots annually.

Schedule For & Vaccinating Kids

Personal experience has taught me the following:

1. Some assume that CDT vaccinated dams will pass the immunity on to unborn kids. Thus when they disbud kids at 1-2 weeks, they do not vaccinate for Tetanus. Do not count on them being immune in this situation. Many times goat breeders have not administered a specific Tetanus injection before disbudding and ended up with kids dying with Tetanus after disbudding. That being said, DO NOT ASSUME YOU CAN GIVE A 1-2 WEEK OLD KID A CDT SHOT BEFORE DISBUDDING TO COVER EVERYTHING AT ONCE. Their little bodies can not always handle the input of toxins and they will die within a few hours! How do I know? A vet told me to do that and within 5 hours, 3 kids were dead with a 4th dying. Caution: it is very important all your kids get their Tetanus shot before disbudding and very important they DO Not Get a CDT Vaccination before 4 weeks and again at 8 weeks (2 ml)

2. If kids are going to be disbudded or castrated then the tetanus antitoxin should be used to provide temporary, short-term protection from tetanus. They will still need to be vaccinated with the CDT toxoid at four weeks, and again at four weeks to establish long-term protection for all three diseases.

Important! Please Read The Following Notice!

All information provided in these articles is based either on personal experience or information provided by others whose treatments and practices have been discussed fully with a vet for accuracy and effectiveness before passing them on to readers. Much of my page content is from Veterinary Colleges and Manuals.

In all cases, it is your personal responsibility to obtain veterinary services and advice before using any of the information provided in these articles. Mr and Mrs Stewart is not a veterinarian. Neither Mr or Mrs Stewart nor justkiddingvillage.com nor any of the contributors to this website will be held responsible for the use of any information contained herein.

Stormy JKV
Our Nigerian Dwarf Breeder doe is used in this Picture

March 29, 2023